Inspired by the vision of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Hakimah, the Omani Shura has taken into consideration the gradual development of society. This experience has reflected positively on the stability of the Omani society, as well as on the political, social and cultural fields.

Members of the Shura Council have a number of competencies that enable them to participate in making legislations and reviewing draft general budget, five-year development plans, and draft social and economic agreements that the Sultanate intends to conclude or accede to.
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali is the first elected Chairman in the history of the Shura Council during the seventh term (2011-2015) and the eighth term (2019-2015), where he obtained the absolute majority of votes.
Sheikh Al Maawali holds a Master of Science in Systems Management and Counseling from Sheffieldham University in the United Kingdom, a Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems from Arkansas University in the United States and a Diploma in General Studies from the University of Arkansas. He has an extensive experience in government and private sectors, as he has been a Regional Manager and a Board Chairman and Member in some companies. This practical experience, undoubtedly, has contributed to his work in the Shura Council. His Excellency has also participated in a number of conferences and symposia in various fields. Sheikh Al Maawali is also known for his efforts to place Oman among the leading countries.
In an exclusive interview with BUISINESS LIFE magazine, Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali, tells the reporter the latest updates on Shura meetings and achievements.

BL: What are the outcomes of the last meeting of the Arab Parliament held in Egypt?
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali: The meaningful dialogue is the best approach that can create peace and prosperity.
The meeting of the Arab Parliament is an enhancement of the joint Arab action and a step forward to achieve the goals and aspirations of the Arab Parliament.
This meeting which was held on February 10, 2019 at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in Cairo is an implementation of the decision of the Council of the League of Arab States at the summit held in Jerusalem under the chairmanship of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. The meeting was devoted to the hearing of the brotherly Republic of Sudan to remove it from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism. It also comes within the framework of promoting joint Arab action, achieving the goals and aspirations of the Arab Parliament and supporting the various Member States.
As I pointed out in my speech at the above-mentioned meeting, we are meeting according to the decision of the Jerusalem Summit which incubates the third holy mosque and the most important case of Arabs; a case what we consider as a national constant that cannot be ignored. We are with the right of Palestinians to establish a state with East Jerusalem as its capital through which justice and peace for the brotherly Palestinian people can be achieved.
We also stressed in our speech at the meeting that the brotherly Republic of the Sudan plays a prominent role in promoting joint Arab action. Its people are a peace-loving people and keen on the values of security and peace; they reject violence and terrorism. Therefore, we emphasize the need to ensure the unity, security and stability of the Sudan. We call upon our brothers in the Republic of Sudan to give priority to the interests of the homeland over any other interest, and to take care of the achievements of their country.
The participants in the hearing held by the Arab Parliament confirmed the full solidarity with the Republic of the Sudan in its just demand according to the legal arguments that prove its right to be removed from the list of states sponsoring terrorism. They demanded the United States of America to remove Sudan from the US State Department list of state sponsoring terrorism. They all confirmed the right of the Republic of the Sudan to fully engage in the international community and restore its political and economic integration at all levels, Arab, regional and international as a pivotal country. We all called the international community to benefit from efforts and potentials of the Sudan. The Sudan's geographical location and its political and security roles in the Arab and African regions enhance its efforts in the maintenance of peace and security.

BL: What constructive criticism can you say about the current situation of Arab countries? What is your advice to resolve the current issues among Arab countries?
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali: There is no criticism, but as usual we are always optimistic that the Arab situation is improving. We are always with the promotion and development of the joint Arab action based on the common goals. We have emphasized this point in various Arab meetings, gatherings and conferences. The Sultanate of Oman therefore supports every Arab endeavor that strengthens the status of Arab States and strengthens relations between them.
We believe that the meaningful dialogue is the best way and mean to create peace, stability and prosperity in all aspects of life. In order to resolve the current issues in the Arab World, we have to give priority to the public interest of the Arab nation over the personal interests. We shall work to make unity among the Arab nations and create security and peace for our peoples and our nation.

BL: In your opinion, can Arab parliaments achieve economic and political integration?
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali: Yes, Arab Parliaments can do that as it is part of their roles and objectives.
In order for parliaments to achieve this economic and political integration, they shall activate their roles and work in a common framework with governments as part of the partnership between parliaments and governments in achieving the welfare and progress of the Arab peoples. This requires the design of a clear and specific strategic plan and programs, particularly with regard to economic integration.

BL: How does Oman promote business in key economic sectors in Oman and develop SMEs?
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali: The strategy of economic diversification in the Sultanate is based on building a strong and diversified economic base to meet the challenges of globalization and economic openness. We are keen to promote the industrial, tourism and other fields. The Sultanate succeeded in establishing solid foundations for a diversified modern economy. The current stage is witnessing a qualitative leap in the size and nature of economic, industrial and tourism projects aimed at creating diversity in the non-oil economy of Oman.
SMEs are the most important pillars of economic and productive development, through which the private sector and entrepreneurship could grow. The culture of establishing individual projects is well established in the community. These projects have received care and support from the government. The Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises Development (Riyada) is keen to support the existing SMEs and overcome any problems they face, including communication and coordination with other state institutions. It is devoted to foster creativity and innovation, utilize the technological means in this field, and develop plans to encourage the establishment of institutions specialized in the sectors related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution such as telecommunications, information technology, and green power. It also coordinates with the Implementation and Follow-up Unit as part of the National Program for Enhancing Economic Diversification.
The Sultanate's experience in the Shura Council

BL: What is your comment about the Sultanate's experience in the Shura Council?
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali: The establishment of the first building block of the Shura Council dates back to 1991.
The Shura Council carries out its external activities by supporting joint action and promoting sustainable development efforts.
Shura Council is one of the leading institutions that utilizes social media, with about 500 thousand followers to its accounts.
Omani women have been empowered during this glorious era.
Since the beginning of the blessed Renaissance, His Majesty’s first mission was the development of all walks of life in the Sultanate. This goal was clear and was established according to certain principles. For more than four decades, His Majesty has been able to achieve the goals and aspirations that we all dream of.
There is no doubt that the march of Shura is an integral part of all areas of development. The establishment of the first building block of the Shura Council dates back to 1991; which means that we are celebrating a quarter of a century since its inception. The march has been evolving and developing gradually in order to achieve the supreme goals and objectives.
The Shura Council is the first building block for the real start of the Shura as a modern practice for society. Therefore, through this practice, the experience has developed to reach to the current competences. In 1991, the members of the Shura Council were partially elected. In 1996, a new institution was established which is the State Council as stipulated by the Basic Statute of the State of State. In 2011, by the Royal Decree No,. 99/2011 was issued to amend the Basic Statute of the State (especially Oman Council).
The implementation and activation of these powers is the members’ responsibility. They should translate them into actions, which can be seen by the Omani citizens. This is the role of the Council as His Majesty wanted it to be and gradually evolve.

BL: Tell us about the foreign relations of the Shura Council?
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali: The Shura Council is keen to develop its foreign relations gradually. Its relations were confined to the scope of bilateral relations with the other councils of brotherly and friendly countries. Then, the Council moved to a more advanced step by joining many international and Arab unions and organizations. The Shura Council follows the foreign policy of the Sultanate based on the Basic Statute of the State which stipulates that “The Sultanate is keen to strengthen cooperation and friendship with all countries and peoples on the basis of mutual respect, common interest, non-interference in internal affairs and respect for the international and regional conventions and norms of international law in order to promote peace and security between nations and peoples.” This text directs the basics and principles of Omani foreign policy, which have enabled the Sultanate to attain a prestigious international status.
The Council has formed parliamentary friendship groups with a group of international, Arab and Gulf parliaments. The Council has also participated in various international and regional forums at the level of its members and at the level of its General Secretariat. The Council is a member in the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Parliamentary Union of the Islamic Conference, the Arab Parliamentary Union and the GCC Legislative Councils Meeting. The council has also hosted a number of meetings supported by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Arab Parliamentary Union (APU), and the GCC Legislative Councils Meeting.

BL: How do you see the upcoming elections of the Shura Council? How do you see the youth representation in the Council?
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali: The eighth period witnessed wide dialogues and focus on the scientific qualifications of the members of the Shura Council. We have all noticed the keenness of the members of the society to choose a representative who has a proper academic qualification. The elections witnessed a competition among the candidates with different academic qualifications from different fields. The current members have different qualifications including PhD and MA. 15% of the members are master's holders and 41% of them are bachelor's holders. The number of members in the age group (35-30) accounted for 13% of the total number of members. There is no doubt that this mixture of backgrounds has impacted the role played by the members. It also has a positive impact on the performance of the Council and has enabled the Council members to deal with the different issues. I believe that the upcoming elections will witness more young and qualified candidates who will complete the march of their predecessors in building Oman.

BL: How does the Shura Council deal with community issues and criticisms? How much does it interact with the new media?
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali: The Shura Council is keen to listen to the citizens’ opinions and their satisfaction with the performance of the Council. In order to affirm this concern, the Council has many channels which aim to enhance the communication with the society. We consider the criticisms of the citizens as constructive ones. We accept them and consider them as complementary opinions for the work of the Council. During the previous periods, especially the seventh and eighth period, we have been keen to listen to the citizens and engage with them through the social media platforms or through the open dialogue between the Council and the community. The Council has opened the doors for citizens to attend and follow up its sessions. In addition, the members of the Council represent their mandates and meet the citizens to transparently transfer all their claims. The committees also host some citizens to listen to their issues to submit it to the competent authorities. We hope that this transparent communication and the ongoing open dialogue between the Council and the citizen will help in achieving the common goals.
Since the seventh period, the Council has been keen to establish an electronic media section to achieve effective partnership between the Council and the community. The Council presents diverse materials through these platforms to include all segments of society.
The Council is one of the leading institutions to use the social media platforms, which have become a bridge of direct and rapid communication between the Council and the community. The Council uses these platforms to highlight its roles and its members activities, in addition to receiving the views of citizens. The Council also broadcasts its public sessions and dialogue seminars to the public. It has also adopted many of the hashtags concerning a number of issues raised by the community and study them to find solutions and recommendations.

BL: What about women's representation in the Shura Council in the Sultanate of Oman?
Sheikh Khalid bin Hilal Al Maawali: The Omani Renaissance has been a turning point in the history of the country since the beginning of the seventies because of the radical changes that have taken place at various levels. The most prominent of these changes are the status of Omani women who have entered the public life in all their political, social, cultural and economic aspects. The Omani woman has achieved wide gains in the prosperous era, and has made great achievements in various fields. The Omani women have been given their rights in different projects and programs aimed at improving the community. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, may Allah protect him , has urged all women since the beginning of the blessed renaissance saying “Women shall be ready and contribute to the economic and social development according to their ability, capacity, expertise and skills in their position in the society."
Thankfully, women and men are equally competing for opportunities in education, employment and positions. The Omani women have been fortunate to receive the support of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos. Thanks to their efforts and ambitions, the Omani women become ministers, undersecretaries, ambassadors, members of the State Council and Shura Council in addition to other positions in the public and private sectors. We are proud that the Omani women are the first freely elected woman in the GCC countries. Despite the limited number of women seats in the Shura Council due to some social obstacles, we believe that this obstacle will be overcome by the new developments and accumulation of experiences witnessed by the community during the coming years.