COVID-19 Measure: Read Full Magazine Here. Eng. Khalil Boueri graduated from the American University of Beirut in 1972, EMBA ESA & ESCP 2015, and his ambition like every young engineer was to plant a seed and watch it grow.

Definitely, his dream came true and MHG, Al Miyah is now a recognized conglomerate. For Eng. Khalil Boueri, making a new and improved version of his group of companies was a dream which materialized..
Eng. Khalil Boueri is a decisive leader who seeks out the appropriate information and the perfect team he needs to build a sound and important and outstanding business.
Patience, courage, modesty and hard work led Eng. Khalil Boueri to his renowned fame. He has found that focusing ahead is much more beneficial to his business practice than looking at the present. Living in the moment can be distracting and often hinder the creative process.
Eng. Boueri founder of Watermaster , feels that treating WATER is still a mission and a noble one, and Al Miyah is more than ever deeply involved and dedicating all its resources for this purpose. Water is scarcer and more polluted. Regional events and actions may be based to a large degree on water conditions.
Because 75% of the Human Body and 71% of the Earth Surface are composed of Water, Eng. Khalil Boueri believes that Water is the noblest Element and he will pursue his keen endeavors in reaching the ideal solutions for the Well-Being of people.

Al Miyah Holding Group (MHG) gathers “Experienced Professionals offering Innovative Water Solutions to the Middle East”. With over 4 decades of expertise in the industry. Al Miyah Holding Group stands today as a regional reference in all areas of Water & Wellness; with its headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon. The holding’s first operation was established in 1980, and expanded with time and experience, to grow into a solid group of specialized companies.
Since its start in 1980, Eng. Khalil Boueri created a positive, young and innovative culture within the firm, coupled with highest values in terms of Trust and Care for all the stakeholders and primarily the customer.
Watermaster, along the years, grew from a private family business to a corporate holding group, MHG, Al Miyah, including several independent firms in Lebanon, Qatar and UAE.
Establishment of three main new activities: Fluiddesign, Watercenter and turn-key projects, especially in wellness.
Splitting the activities in several separate firms all under the umbrella of Al Miyah holding group.
Fluiddesign addresses all design /consultancy needed for Wellness and Water Features projects as seen below.
Watercenter was an innovative move from Al Miyah Holding Group to separate the group’s new “Retail Driven” entity from our existing “Projects Driven” company Watermaster.

Watermaster is now ranked among the largest water firms in Lebanon and one of the respected firms in the MENA region.
Watermaster is over 40-year-old, market-leading company that specializes in water-related projects encompassing Wellness & Pools, Water Features, and Water Management (Water/ Waste Water Treatment). With over 6,000 completed projects around the world and three branches in Lebanon, Qatar and UAE, we have the in-house capabilities and resources to undertake and deliver turnkey projects from A to Z in the role of a complex solution provider.

Watercenter “Wellness and Outdoor Solutions” was created in 2013 to meet clients’ needs, with a “Pick-and-carry” concept. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast or a business professional and are looking to improve or point your business in the right direction, the Watercenter offers you all types of wellness solutions.
From furnishing outdoor space or turning pool into a safer and healthier environment, to designing private wellness center or finding the best Residential Water and Waste Water Treatment solution; the Watercenter provides a customizable experience to help you in choosing the best solution based on your tastes and needs. Along the way, his professional sales team will assist customers to ensure a convenient and optimal choice.

Fluiddesign is a Design Studio, focused on the provision of professional know-how within Design, Consultancy & Project Management for Wellness & Water Features.
Established as part of Al Miyah Holding Group which was founded in 1980, it has been combining the creative design skills & technical expertise in order to realize a wide variety of Wellness & Water Feature projects in the most famous spots in the MEA region.
Fluiddesign guarantees state-of-the-art quality since products are selected only from our list of attested suppliers.
As Designers/Consultants, Fluiddesign shares their knowledge and expertise so that the current proposal is revised and improved, generating savings at the same time.
Eng. Khalil Boueri gives BUSINESS LIFE reporter a heads up about his group present and future news in the following exclusive interview.

BL: Why was Fluid Design established in 2012?
Eng. Boueri: Fluid Design, the Wellness & Water Feature Studio was created out of the necessity of having a complete solution for spas and water features in the group that is dedicated to design and consultancy. Giving our client a full design and build solution!
Established as part of Al Miyah Holding Group which was founded in 1980, it has been combining the creative design skills and technical expertise in order to realize a wide variety of wellness and water feature projects in the most famous spots in the MEA region. One important consideration is to avoid conflicting between consultancy and contracting in the same firm.

BL: Why was the first Watercenter outlet opened in 2013?
Eng. Boueri: Watercenter is a showroom for Wellness and outdoor solutions, where we display a multitude of items.
Watermaster, being an engineering water treatment contracting company in the first place, has had some trading activities since the start.
Clients would buy spare parts, chemicals, accessories, equipment etc. from us the same way they would buy things form supermarkets but with the difference is that we also give them technical support.
Watercenter was created to allow the walk-in customers select their needs and pick up their order with the ease of cash and carry. Here too, we have techno-commercial dedicated staff to support the visitors in their queries. On top of that, the clients can see and touch what they are looking for.
We have expanded the line of products we had initially in Watermaster to include items such as:
Barbecues, solar showers, gym equipment, wood decking, artificial grass carpet, outdoor furniture and gadgets, tiles, saunas, steam baths, Jacuzzis, prefab pools ,indoor and outdoor fountains kits etc. any material needed for landscaping outdoor or indoor use.
In addition, Watercenter is a trading platform targeting B2B and B2C clients who are satisfied by off-the-shelf prefabricated products in order to avoid the hustle of contracting.

BL: What do you mean by saying retail wellness solution provider?
Eng. Boueri: The world is gearing towards wellness nowadays. Wellness is becoming the quest of millions of people. Why? Because everything we do is aimed at the wellness of people.
• Securing safe potable water.
• Safe domestic water.
• Protecting the environment through proper treatment of industrial and domestic waste water.
• Treated water for the swimming pools and Jacuzzis users.
• Same for the public and private fountains (usually infected by the dangerous legionella disease.)
• And last but not least, equipping wellness centers with saunas, steam baths, Hammams, whirlpool, floating beds, massage beds gym equipment etc.
• In Watercenter, as a retail operation, all above items are available.
• Worthy to note: how much stressful our modern life became and the increasing demand on wellness and well-being.
Moreover, Watercenter also offers all products needed for your outdoor space.

BL: What are the updates on Watermaster Qatar?
Eng. Boueri: Watermaster (Qatar) is a subsidiary in successful partnership with IHG (Investment Holding Group), a group listed on the Qatari public stock exchange.
In the last five years, WMQ has become a major player in all three divisions, mainly the water management division, and is ranked as one of the leading firms in the domain. Recently, we have reached 1,000 staff members.

BL: What is the importance of Watermaster Integrated Design & Architecture/Civil Department to the rest of your companies?
Eng. Boueri: This is the means of guaranteeing to the client a full turnkey solution, avoiding an overlap of liabilities and any “volleyball” in responsibilities. It is a design and build process from A to Z – to the delight of the owner who has to deal with one and only one responsible party. This applies and affects all the group companies as things are interrelated and connected. Watermaster can therefore secure to the client a full turnkey valuable solution delivered in premium quality, within the project timeframe and within the required budget!
Most importantly, a common spirit and philosophy prevails in all the phases of the project, from concept to application. By creating Watercenter and Fluiddesign along Watermaster we satisfy almost all market needs.

BL: What is the difference between having Watermaster a certified manufacturer and having it as an assembling operation of imported products for specific water treatment applications?
Eng. Boueri: No difference at all!!! We are a certified registered company as second degree with the Ministry of Industry, also member of the Chamber of commerce, industry and agriculture and of the Syndicate of industrialists and syndicate of the Contractors since years.
Noting that the largest water treatment firms in the world do not manufacture most of the items but they assemble them. It is the design, experience, workmanship etc which makes the whole difference. Similar to any car producer in the world.
As you know, Lebanese manufacturing quality standards and in our case Watermaster’s, have proved to be as good as imported goods especially when we offer additional extended warranty, in case we are able to properly maintain those machines.

BL: How do you cater to the increasing demand for specialized water & wellness design services?
Eng. Boueri: For “Water Management” Design Support and Services, we try to stay up-to-date by attending international expos, seminars and conferences (IDA, IFAT, Wetex, Aquatech ,Interbad ,etc.). We are certified members of international water and pools organizations: AWWA, WQA, Former NSPI, NSPF, IDA and others. We also hold several training seminars yearly, either through international visitors, or by sending our teams abroad and or some of the old-timers giving presentations in their specialized domains. Finally, and most importantly, we have in-house research and development R&D for mainly innovations, experiments of new products and systems and entrepreneurship.
For Fluid Design Design Services for “Wellness & Pools and Water Features” Services, Fluid Design guarantees state-of-the-art quality since products are selected only from our list of attested suppliers. As consultants, we share our knowledge and expertise so that the current proposal is revised and improved, generating savings at the same time.
We innovate in Design Solutions for Wellness & Pools and Water Features based on reliable technical expertise, while meeting clients’ vision and objectives.
Being a regional reference in the Conceptualization and Development of innovative signature Design Solutions for Wellness & Pools and Water Features, the talented architects have creative skills as well as technical expertise, providing top quality solutions, optimal for the space and its users.
One of the reasons for establishing Fluid Design was to cater for the increasing demand for specialized water & wellness design services.

BL: How do you summarize your milestones and achievements?
Eng. Boueri: Well, we are in the middle of the road. Dreams are never fully attained. Watermaster has succeeded in securing sustainability and continuity through the second generation and shortly InshAllah (if God wills) with the third generation. Our staff is dedicated and devoted to this passionate field. Watermaster is becoming a corporation with associates.
The key to success is always summarized in three words: devotion, perseverance and passion. We have a promising future and a long list of milestones to pursue and follow.

BL: What are the updates on your expansion strategy in the Middle East especially during the coronavirus era?
Eng. Boueri: Much before the coronavirus era, on the 17th of October 2019, we have started our strategic mission of expanding abroad as our target for our group in the MENA and African regions.
A lot of potential exists and plenty of opportunities are in the pipeline especially in water management, which has become a necessity these days.
Of course, coronavirus has slowed down our progress and this confinement has stopped our physical movement but we are remaining online with our potential partners there, also we have not stopped our endeavors and we shall resume physically soon, God allows.

BL: What are the opportunities or the lessons that we can benefit from during the spread of this deadly virus?
Eng. Boueri: First of all, to realize that life is short and we should use and benefit from every second of it. Never to take life and or anything for granted. To stop for a while and make a mise -a -jour or a review and appraisal of our life until now. Spiritually to meditate and pray
For well-being, do regular sport and exercise daily and few times per day. Stay in the sun for 30 minutes daily if and when possible.
Look at the bright side of things: i.e the clear sky over Beirut as pollution is almost nil. I am not a scientist but I think that Mother Nature takes a break when needed and readjusts and regulates itself. I suggest that everyone takes this opportunity to read a lot and watch TV in moderation (not more than 90 minutes per day).
We, at Watermaster, we are working 100% from home, online and through video conference calls. We have ample time to think and digest info and data and to get prepared to start again in force when the virus is over.
Politically, I shall not comment. From the business side, as a Lebanese company, we have passed through several years of unrest and turmoil and we grew in spite of the circumstances. Yet, this coronavirus outbreak is not to be underestimated and as a group we are trying to spread awareness and support our clients for emergency cases.

BL: What are the consequences on your business from the recent announcement that Lebanon defaulted on its foreign debt payment amid deepening economic crisis?
Eng. Boueri: No consequences yet as business is on hold for now. But consequences shall definitely show when the train is back on track.
However, capital control and the need for fresh foreign money to order goods for old and or new contracts is a killer – to say the least. Impossible period!!!
We have to note, even though the Government is doing its best, that till now, the lack of transparency and no clear plan to overcome this economic crisis is jeopardizing all the private sector. It is very hard to overcome a crisis if we cannot anticipate the worst case scenario and to find a mitigation plan accordingly.

BL: What are the factors that contributed to your success as a leader and to the success of your companies?
Eng. Boueri: Humbly put I can mention perseverance, honesty, loyalty to the customers (the customer is king), after sales service, attractive price to quality ratio, vision and faith in our noble mission.
Another factor is the scarcity and importance of water in everyday life.
I must also mention the fact that my spouse supported me and believed in me from day one and has been very active in the business for 20 years, bringing the huge feminine gifts and flair that men do not have. I am a firm believer in the capacities of women as active members in society and several managers are ladies in our group.
I was lucky to have my three children greatly interested, involved and educated in this immense ocean of water treatment and they have contributed greatly in bringing the new generation vision to the group.
And of course there was luck! But what is luck? It is when opportunities meet preparation! But if I have to attribute it to only one word: it is passion and only passion.

BL: What is your vision for the coming five years?
Eng. Boueri: Business vision or personal vision or both? Personal: to keep fit, expanding in knowledge and adhering to a PhD program in water treatment engineering (if God almighty permits). Business-wise: The Board has an expansion scheme as described above. Some of the details are naturally confidential.

BL: What are the most important project that you are planning for?
Eng. Boueri: The most important project is to expand our assembly facility in order to be able to accommodate for the demand of the MENA and African regions. Watermaster is an OEM for all “Skid and Containerized Units” related to Water Treatment, Waste Water Treatment, and Pumping Stations. The Quality/Price Ratio has made those units popular and increased the demand and thus the necessity of expanding the assembly is at utmost urgency.

BL: What about your plans to diversify beyond the borders of Lebanon?
Eng. Boueri: Yes 100 % as mentioned earlier. That’s our only salvation.

BL: Why is it important to work on green projects specifically in Lebanon and abroad?
Eng. Boueri: Mother earth is at risk. Global warming is threatening our existence. In spite of what some sceptics say, Lebanon environment, water table, sea, rivers, lakes and streams etc. are polluted heavily.
Our mission is noble as I said. We improve our environment and never the contrary.
Lebanon unfortunately during the past decades, due to wars etc., has regressed tremendously in keeping its waters and environment as they should be. Green gases are a threat. Waste water should be recycled 100 per cent. Pollution is affecting the air, water, soil, you name it.
Solar, Aeolian and renewable energy should be exploited with incentive to the citizens. Water and environment are the challenge to the humanity today!

BL: You are famed for your ability to execute any given project, why?
Eng. Boueri: We are good, modestly speaking, in what we do and have been delivering for the past 40 years. We always take every project personal and treat it like our biggest! We also always try to challenge ourselves to push the boundaries of the company service delivery by trying to take bigger projects and new scopes, we innovate constantly!
We take pride in delivering the projects in the best quality, right schedule and within the proper set budget. Most importantly, we deliver no matter what!

BL: How will working from home will save Lebanon’s business, economy and the Lebanese health? What are your plans in this regards?
Eng. Boueri: We do what we can and wait for the best. As I said earlier, we work online, we plan, we discuss, we retouch and retune and keep going where and when we can. Lebanon’s salvation depends on 2 prerequisites:
• Physical Health of its population
• Mental Health of its population.
Emanating from this crisis with a sound body and mind is the trick. Lebanon can and shall be on its feet again if we stay alert in our mind and health, doing what we can from home as work and getting ready to depart as a torpedo when things return to normal and they shall ultimately.

BL: What is your advice to Lebanon’s government on Lebanon’s polluted lakes and deteriorated dams?
Eng. Boueri: With regards to dams, they have a lot of pros and cons. Studies show (without getting into technicalities) that the cons exceed the pros. Substitute by forestation. Two things to consider: make sure that structurally they don’t represent a danger of breaking and flooding (we have had several cases worldwide). The second thing to consider is leaking: a study should be carried out in the case of a leak to show that it is not due to a structural defect. Then remedy the leak by water proofing.
With regards to lakes, first of all stop the incoming untreated industrial and domestic water effluents. Second, stop the dumping of solid waste and garbage. Then and only then, the treatment becomes simple and practical: Through mother nature which shall take care and submersible or surface aerators for oxygenation.