DUBAI, UAE - Bidaya has formally inducted 20 new members to its ranks for the 2008/2009 academic year.

The inaugural students played host to the new members, during an induction ceremony that introduced the recruits to the Bidaya programme, providing them with insight on what to expect in the coming year.

The evening gathering covered both the academic and leadership components of the programme, while showcasing some of the experiences the current students have had with the programme to date. The highlight of the event was an award ceremony for the inaugural students, where a selected few were rewarded for their persistence, hard work and dedication.

All the awards went to female students on the Bidaya programme who had achieved the highest grade point averages at their university. Marwah Abdulla Al Madhani studies computer engineering at the University of Sharjah and wishes to contribute heavily to the UAE's continued growth. A journalist in the making, Mona Khaleifah Hammoudi studies journalism at the University of Sharjah and is deeply inspired by the visionary leadership of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. The third award was presented to Huda Yousef Al Neaimi, who is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering at the University of Sharjah. Huda strongly believes that education is the base for civilization and hopes to become active citizen in helping to build the future of UAE as a leader in her own way. An additional award was also presented to Ameera Husain Karam for showing tremendous improvement over the course of study. Ameera is an aspiring lawyer at the University of Sharjah's College of Law and hopes to work at the Dubai courts after her graduation.

Commenting on the student awards, Amina Taher Executive Director of Corporate Communications and Bidaya founder, said:

'All the Bidaya students are high achievers and we believe that acknowledging the most ambitious and talented students for their hard work is a great motivating factor, it proves that hard work always pays. With more and greater efforts, students are better prepared for real life challenges and can achieve success not only in education, but in all areas of life.'

'This event highlighted that there is unlimited potential among the UAE's student body. Bidaya places a long term investment in the individual requirements of young Emiratis and their future roles as leaders in the UAE and globally. Opportunities and awards like this are only the beginning of a long and fulfilled career for the 40 current Bidaya students,' she added.

During the event, the first year students had the opportunity to discuss the programme with those now in their second year of university, and to watch a video made by the first group of students covering their experiences with Bidaya.

Under the Bidaya programme the students study at the American University in Dubai, American University of Sharjah and University of Sharjah. Bidaya is the only programme in the UAE to offer both education and leadership to its students, who receive support and guidance throughout their time at university through a sustained personalised programme with an individual professional mentor, international expertise and leadership training.

The programme targets UAE public high school graduates aged 17-18 with a 90% or above GPA. Selection is also based on several factors which include: demonstrated leadership, academic performance, financial situation, and future potential. 20 Emirati students will be selected each year following recommendations from public schools across the UAE.