Qatar’s Sustainable Revenue Streams Enhanced by Hydrocarbon
Qatar’s growth expected 2.82% in 2019, as rising energy receipts help ease fiscal constraints, spending on the multi-year infrastructure upgrade ahead of the FIFA World Cup continues.
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Qatar’s growth expected 2.82% in 2019, as rising energy receipts help ease fiscal constraints, spending on the multi-year infrastructure upgrade ahead of the FIFA World Cup continues.
By nature of its business, banking is closely related to saving and investing. The Lebanese banking industry has recorded rapid growth along with tough competition. The valuable regulations that the Central Bank of Lebanon has imposed reflected positively on the development of the banking industry.
Given the growth of the Qatari economy, and the massive investments being made in infrastructure across the Gulf region, insurance companies are attracted to explore the potential market.
In an insightful interview with ICD's newly appointed Chief Executive Officer and inspirer of hope, Ayman Amin Sejiny shares his thoughts on the strength of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD)and his plans and strategies for the renowned institution.
Joe Azar, Chief Executive Officer of NASCO Re (the reinsurance broking arm of Nasco Insurance Group) has over 40 years experience in the industry. He started his career with SNA Allianz in 1977 where he spent 13 years as Head of the International department.
The renowned Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) was founded in the seventies by a famed business tycoon who is known regionally and globally. In an exclusive interview with BUSINESS LIFE magazine, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh focuses on intellectual property protection and patents which are needed for innovations and inventions and explains how organizations can make the most of the digital opportunity and avoid the many potential pitfalls that come with the adoption of new technologies.
تلتقي مجلة بزنس لايف اليوم رجل اعمال لبناني بارز هو رفيق بازرجي رئيس رابطة اللاتين في لبنان ورجل أعمال له تاريخ حافل في الاقتصاد والسياسة وله تجارب رائدة في لبنان على مستوى الفنادق وقطاع السيارات.
بدأ المؤتمر الثاني والثلاثون للاتحاد العام العربي للتأمين (GAIF) في الحمامات تحت رعاية فخامة رئيس الجمهورية التونسية في الفترة من 24 إلى 27 يونيو .2018. ووفقا لكامل شيباني ، المدير التنفيذي لاتحاد شركات التأمين التونسي (FTUSA) ، حضر 1400 مشارك وخبير من 51 دولة. على هامش المؤتمر الذي استمر ثلاثة أيام والذي عُقد حول موضوع “التحول الرقمي وصناعة التأمين في العالم العربي” ، عُيِّنَت رئاسة الرابطة إلى تونس في شخص رئيس الاتحاد التونسي لشركات التأمين “FTUSA” لاسعد زروق ، لمدة عامين.
In an exclusive interview with BUSINESS LIFE magazine, the Lebanese Deputy Alexandre Abraham Matossian digs into the line between business and politics, but the love and hate bit works too because to feel one or the other requires passion, and good business and good politics are often quite passionate.
In this cover interview, a BUSINESS LIFE reporter looks at what group dynamics are, and why they matter. He then discusses with the shrewd board members of Gezairi Group valuable information on the group’s dynamics, and thus the BUSINESS LIFE reporter outlines some tools that the young dedicated successors of Abdul Salam Bou-Azza Gezairi use in order to move forward this huge responsibility to new heights.
Jacques Ekmekji (JE) is a graduate of the American University of Beirut (AUB) in Civil Engineering class of 1971. Spent over 32 years with Khatib & Alami consulting Firm of Lebanon as partner in charge of several divisions and sister companies including the Geographic Information System (GIS) services division, which he headed from 1989 to December 31, 2003.
Architect Sarmad Shayboub, the legendary founder and chairman of The Constructors Co. built during his long and outstanding career many quality buildings and towers where he implemented the state of the art in architecture.