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History showed that Yemenis and Lebanese expatriates have a common trait: both always positively contributed to the economies of countries to which they had emigrated.
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History showed that Yemenis and Lebanese expatriates have a common trait: both always positively contributed to the economies of countries to which they had emigrated.
In a 45-minute sit-down interview, a BUSINESS LIFE reporter had the pleasure to discuss a multitude of topics with one of the foremost leaders in experience and content strategy for the insurance industry. Below is Rashid El-Habbab's exclusive interview in full.
In an exclusive interview, BUSINESS LIFE reporter had the pleasure to discuss a multitude of topics with one of the foremost successful young leader Mr. Rohit Atul Boda, Managing Director of J.B. Boda Group in India.
Yolla El Khoury started in ACE as a Vice President since 2010 to become the Group Vice President in 2015. The Lebanese, Greek national, is an industry icon and is widely acknowledged for her steadfast commitment and contribution to the insurance industry. She is renowned for embracing change and steering the growth of ACE outside Saudi Arabia.
A BUSINESS LIFE reporter has developed this unique cover interview which gives insights into achieving winning key performance indicators. It gives a practical step-by-step methodology to rediscover critical success factors especially that the answers to his questions are coming from a successful brilliant/founder and a distinguished lady leader who tackle their day-to-day business in common synergy and harmony.
وفى لقاء مع الاستاذ الفاضل / المحامي البارز الاستاذ حسن عفيف كشلي وهو من الشخصيات المعروفة فى عالم المحاماة في لبنان والخارج والتى تتمتع برؤية إستثنائية ثاقبة
نلتقي اليوم المهندس ماجد سميرات أحد أبرز القياديين في قطاع التأمين بالمملكة الأردنية ليحدثنا عن مؤتمر العقبة المنتظر، ويخبرنا ما جديد المؤتمر لهذا العام وما المفاجئات التي تنتظر المشاركين فيه، إضافة إلى تفاصيل تتعلق بعدد الحضور والتحضيرات اللوجستية للمؤتمر وتفاصيل أخرى تقرؤونها في السطور التالية:
Inspired by the vision of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Hakimah, the Omani Shura has taken into consideration the gradual development of society. This experience has reflected positively on the stability of the Omani society, as well as on the political, social and cultural fields.
Banks are finding that it is even more challenging to make the organizational changes required to support digital initiatives than to adopt the technologies available to support them, namely social, mobile, analytics and cloud, or the SMAC Stack.
Qatar’s growth expected 2.82% in 2019, as rising energy receipts help ease fiscal constraints, spending on the multi-year infrastructure upgrade ahead of the FIFA World Cup continues.
By nature of its business, banking is closely related to saving and investing. The Lebanese banking industry has recorded rapid growth along with tough competition. The valuable regulations that the Central Bank of Lebanon has imposed reflected positively on the development of the banking industry.
Given the growth of the Qatari economy, and the massive investments being made in infrastructure across the Gulf region, insurance companies are attracted to explore the potential market.